# DSMZ Plant Viruses Catalogue - Information file
# Version 2023.02.16.01
# Last Updated February 16, 2023
# Author: Domenico Marra & Francesca Piersigilli & Paolo Romano
# (c) CABRI 1999-2023

    |This is the DSMZ Plant Virus Collection.<p>
    |It contains a compilation of data on plant virus specimen currently 
    |available from the DSMZ Division of Plant Virology.
    |Dr. Wulf Menzel (collection, scientific support),<br>
    |Dipl. Biol. Anja Butgereitt (Ordering and Information)<br>
    |Deutsche Sammlung von Mikroorganismen und Zellkulturen GmbH (DSMZ),<br> 
    |Messeweg 11/12,<br>
    |D-38124 BRAUNSCHWEIG,<br>
    | <a href="http://www.dsmz.de/">http://www.dsmz.de/</a><br>
    | <a href=mailto:plantvirus@dsmz.de>plantvirus@dsmz.de</a>
    |<a href=mailto:plantvirus@dsmz.de>plantvirus@dsmz.de></a>
 fields: { 
         |Accession number assigned by the collection<br>
         |<b>Input process</b>:<br> Unique identifier<br>
         |<b>Required for</b>: MDS<br>
         |<b>Indexed by</b>: Unique element<br>
         |Valid species name of the virus<br>
         |<b>Input process</b>:<br> Should be entered according to the: 
         |<i>Sixth Report of the International Committee on Taxonomy of 
         |Viruses</i> (ICTV), 1995: <a href='http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ICTV/'>
         |http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ICTV/</a>; Names that have not yet been 
         |approved by ICTV are printed between quotation marks<br>
         |<b>Required for</b>: MDS<br>
         |<b>Indexed by</b>: Single words<br>
         |Valid species name of the virus<br>
         |<b>Input process</b>: 
         |Abbreviation entered according to the ICTV, 1995: 
         |<a href='http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ICTV/'>
         |http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ICTV/</a>; Abbreviations that have 
         |not yet been approved by ICTV are printed between quotation marks<br>
         |<b>Required for</b>: MDS<br>
         |<b>Indexed by</b>: Single words<br>
         |Former name of the isolate, e.g., in case a patho- or serotype has 
         |been assigned to another species<br>
         |<b>Input process</b>:
         |Former name entered according to the ICTV, 1995:
         |<a href='http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ICTV/'>
         |<b>Required for</b>: MDS<br>
         |<b>Indexed by</b>: Single words<br>
         |Genus to which the virus species has been assigned<br>
         |<b>Input process</b>:
         |Genus name entered according to the ICTV, 1995:
         |<a href='http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ICTV/'>
         |<b>Required for</b>: MDS<br>
         |<b>Indexed by</b>: Single words<br>
         |"Pathotype:", "Serotype:" or "Strain:" followed by pathotype, 
         |serotype or strain designation<br>
         |<b>Required for</b>: MDS<br>
         |<b>Indexed by</b>: Single words<br>
         |Should contain: Original host plant, Subspecies variety, 
         |cultivar or breeding line, vernacular name<br>
         |<b>Input process</b>:<br>
         |<i>Original host plant</i>: species (latin binominal), subspecies 
         |(latin), variety (latin) cultivar or breeding line 
         |(original designation)<br> 
         |<i>Vernacular name</i> (English or original designation). 
         |The vernacular name is listed only in special cases, e.g., if the 
         |vernacular name given by the depositor cannot be unequivocally 
         |assigned to a plant species<br> 
         |<b>Required for</b>: MDS<br>
         |<b>Indexed by</b>: Single words<br>
         |Country, and, if available, more detailed information on the 
         |geographic position where the original host plant was found<br>
         |<b>Input process</b>: Free text<br>
         |<b>Required for</b>: MDS<br>
         |<b>Indexed by</b>: Single words<br>
         |Name of the scientist, who isolated the specimen and of persons or 
         |organisations that kept it before accessioning<br>
         |<b>Input process</b>: After each name (person or organisation), the 
         |respective isolate designation is given between single quotation 
         |<b>Required for</b>: MDS<br>
         |<b>Indexed by</b>: Single words<br>
         |Literature on the virus isolate<br>
         |<b>Input process</b>:<br>
         |<i>New entry</i>: JournalTitle Year;Volume(issue):beginning page#' 
         |- ending page#. The title is abbreviated following international 
         |standard rules (ISSN). The abbreviations are without dot. 
         |Authors and title of the article are not mentioned<br> 
         |<i>Existing catalogues</i>: conversion by SRS following 
         |CABRI agreed standard<br> 
         |<b>Required for</b>: MDS<br>
         |<b>Indexed by</b>: Single words<br>
         |Should contain: "yes" if EU quarantine regulations for the virus 
         |species are know<br>
         |<b>Input process</b>: Yes/no<br>
         |<b>Required for</b>: MDS<br>
         |<b>Indexed by</b>: Single words<br>
         |Special features of the isolate, e.g., virulence<br>
         |<b>Input process</b>: Free text<br>
         |<b>Required for</b>: MDS<br>
         |<b>Indexed by</b>: Single words<br>